Welcome to the Difäm Health Community

On this website, we share with you information on COVID-19 and other health topics. Here you can find all video and audio files as well as additional documents and links that we circulated in the WhatsApp groups!

As always, you can share your ideas, questions and recommendations in your WhatsApp group.


  • Mutations Part I

    What are mutuations of SARS-CoV-2 and why are they important?

  • Mutations Part II

Immune System I

Immune System II

Vaccinations Intro

Podcast to answers on different questions about vaccination

mRNA Vaccine

Inactivated Virus Vaccine

Viral Vector Vaccines

Pregnancy and COVID-19

Tuberculosis and COVID 19

Ebola and COVID-19

Corona Testing

Corona and HIV

HIV Services in the Corona pandemic

  • HIV_services_in_the_corona_pandemic.mp3

Patient education on Corona Vaccination

Patient education II: Side effects of Covid-19 vaccinations

Long Covid

Podcast Omicron

Podcast Vaccination Introduction Part I

Podcast Introduction Vaccination Part II

Childhood vaccination

Podcast Pregnancy and neonates Part 1

Podcast Pregnancy and Neonates Part II

Podcast Meningococcal Disease

Podcast Yellow Fever Vaccination

Podcast: Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

Podcast Vaccination against Cholera

Podcast Vaccination against Typhoid Fever

Podcast: Vaccination against Tuberculosis

Podcast Vaccination against Malaria

Podcast Vaccination against Rabies

Podcast Vaccination against Influenza

Podcast Corona update 2023

Podcast: Handwashing

Podcast: Infection prevention and control

Podcast: The Chain of Infection

Podcast: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE 1): Gloves and masks

Podcast: Personal protective equipment (PPE 2): Clothes and glasses

Podcast Cleaning

Podcast Disinfection

Podcast Sterilization

Podcast Decontamination and reprocessing I

Podcast Decontamination and reprocessing II

Podcast: Use of sharps

Podcast: Disposal of sharps

Podcast: Management of sharps accidents

Podcast: Waste Management

Podcast: Incineration

Podcast: Ward Design

Podcast: Staff Management



Texts of Podcasts

Questions, answers, explanations and evaluation of the Covid-19 quiz

Vaccination Quiz 2023 Questions, answers and evaluation